The Intergenerational Landed Learning Project conducts and disseminates research related to our programs. Graduate students complete MA, MEd and PhD research within the Project.
Research topics range widely and include intergenerational learning, impacts on teaching practices, social and emotional learning, place-based learning, inquiry-based learning, science education, environmental learning, and more. We invite students and researchers to propose inquiries related to the Project.
Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2015). Slow pedagogy and slow research: New directions for understanding learning about food-environment relationships. Of Land & Living Skies: A community Journal on place, land and learning, 3, 15-22.
Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2015). Sowing seeds of stewardship through intergenerational gardening. In K. Winograd (Ed.), Education in Times of Environmental Crises: Teaching Children to be Agents of Change. (pp. 43-54). New York, N.Y: Routledge.
Mayer-Smith, J. & Peterat, L. (2013). Slow Research, Slow Pedagogy: New Directions for Understanding Garden Based Learning. In M.L. de Zwart & M. G. Smith (Eds.) Proceedings of the Symposium XII issues and directions for home economics/family studies/human ecology education. (pp. 86 – 96).
Mayer-Smith, J., Bartosh, O., & Peterat, L. (2009). Cultivating and reflecting on intergenerational environmental education on the farm. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 14, 107–121.
Mayer-Smith, J., Bartosh, O., & Peterat, L. (2007). Teaming children and elders to grow food an environmental consciousness. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 6(1), 77-85. doi: 10.1080/15330150701319529
Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L., & Bartosh, O. (2006). Growing together to understand sustainability: An intergenerational farming project. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), Innovation, education and communication for sustainable development. (pp. 361-368). Frankfurt am Main; New York, N.Y: Peter Lang.
Peterat, L., & Mayer-Smith, J. (2006). Farm friends: Exploring intergenerational environmental learning. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 4(1), 107-116.
Peterat, L., Mayer-Smith, J., Lee, A., Sinkinson, S., & Tsepa, M. (2005). Cultivating ecological consciousness in young people through intergenerational learning. In M. G. Smith, L. Peterat, & M. L. de Zwart (Eds.), Home economics now: A tribute to the scholarship of Eleanore Vaines. Vancouver, BC: Pacific Education Press.
Urueta Ortiz, T. (2016) Exploring practice-linked identities construction in culturally diverse urban youth through an intergenerational garden-based learning project (Doctoral dissertation). University of British Columbia.
Chen, C. C. (2013) Intergenerational landed learning in informal settings: A mixed method study of intergenerational learning on UBC farm (MMEd Graduating Paper). University of British Columbia.
Jin, S. (2013) Children and environmental education: Reconstructing environmental concepts through the landed learning project on the UBC farm (MMEd Graduating Paper). University of British Columbia.
Li, Z. (2013) Planting seeds, harvesting more than plants: A qualitative study of young students’ environmental Learning on UBC farm (MMEd Graduating Paper). University of British Columbia.
Moore, D. (2013) A discursive exploration of children’s school garden experiences, perspectives, and developing ecological literacies (Masters thesis). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0058470
Groendal, R. S. M. (2012). Children’s perspectives on relationships with non-parental adults : insights from a structured intergenerational program (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/24/items/1.0058474
Costrut, I. (2010). Re/learning to Teach: three teachers’ experiences in an environmental education initiative on an urban farm (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/24/items/1.0058487
Ostertag, J. K. (2009). Children, families, environmental education : co-constructing ecological identities in a changing world (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/24/items/1.0058483
Urueta-Ortiz, T. (2009). Unpacking your lunch : a qualitative study of young students’ ideas about food and nutrition (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/24/items/1.0058468
Ye, L. (2008) How an intergenerational landed learning project Impacts children’s conception of healthy food and Their eating habits (MMEd Graduating Paper). University of British Columbia.
Estrada Alvarez, L. M. (2006). Developing ecological identities and environmental consciousness : study of children’s understandings and attitudes about nature during a 10-month environmental education program (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/831/items/1.0058496
Beattie, A. E. (2016). Gardening: Growing Communities With Connections. Workshop at the annual meeting of the Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario (COEO), Haliburton, Ontario. September 2016.
Mayer-Smith, J. (2014). Intergenerational Landed Learning on the Farm: Learning beyond the classroom, Presentation to EPSE 633 Community Systems, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, Feb 11, 2014
Mayer-Smith, J. (2013). Slow Research in the Garden: On the edge of understanding garden based learning. Presentation to EDCP 601 Doctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, September 25, 2013
Mayer-Smith, J. (2013). Learning Science, Stewardship, and Social Responsibility on the Farm: A Look at Science Education in Practice, Presentation for TERRE-Web Public Lecture Series, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, January 24, 2013.
Mayer-Smith, J. & Peterat, L. (2013). Slow Research in the Garden: On the edge of understanding garden based learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Victoria, BC, June 2, 2013
Mayer-Smith, J. & Peterat, L. (2013). Slow Research, Slow Pedagogy: New Directions for understanding garden based learning. Presentation at Canadian Home Economics Symposium XII, Richmond, BC, February 23, 2013
Groendal, R, Hymel, S., & Mayer-Smith, J. (2013). Children’s Perspectives on Relationships with Adult Mentors: Insights from an Intergenerational Program, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA
Mayer-Smith, J., (2012). Slow pedagogy in the garden: How does understanding grow? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Environmental Education Conference, Oakland, CA
Mayer-Smith, J & L Peterat. (2012). Researching slow pedagogy in the garden: The value of stories of impact. Paper presented for the Symposium on, The Importance of a Garden: Theorizing pedagogy in garden-based learning for sustainability, The 8th International Conference on Environmental, Economic, Cultural, and Social Sustainability, Vancouver, BC
Urueta-Ortiz, T. & Mayer-Smith, J., (2012). Let’s talk about your lunch: A study of young students’ ideas about food and nutrition. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, BC.
Mayer-Smith, J., (2011). Intergenerational Landed Learning on the Farm: A tale of community food gardening to promote stewardship. Presentation, South Surrey Garden Club Speaker Series, Surrey, BC, January 27, 2011.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2010). Exploration of elementary students’ perceptions of farms through drawings. Paper presented at the National Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference, Buffalo, N.Y.
Mayer-Smith, J., Bartosh, O., & Peterat, L. (2010). Learning about food, health, and environmental care on the farm. Poster and paper presented at the 2010 Annual Conference of the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM), Burnaby, BC.
Mayer-Smith, J., Bartosh, O., Ostertag, J., & Urueta, T. (2009). Cultivating and Reflecting on Intergenerational Environmental Education on the Farm. Paper presented at the CSSE Annual conference, Ottawa, 23-26 May, 2009.
Mayer-Smith, J., Ostertag, J., Bartosh, O., Urueta, T., & Peterat, L. (2009). Seeking to understand children’s ecological identities: Lessons from researching an intergenerational garden project. Paper presented at the 5th World Environmental Education Congress , Montreal, 10-14 May, 2009.
Mayer-Smith, J (2009). Intergenerational Landed Learning at the Farm: Cultivating Connections to the Earth, Presentation to the Department of Research Management and Environmental Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2009). Where is the red barn?: Elementary students’ views and knowledge about farming and food. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 2009.
Mayer-Smith, J. (2008). Intergenerational Landed Learning at UBC Farm. Presentation at Active Aging Symposium June 5-6, 2008, Vancouver. http://tinyurl.com/Active-Aging-Symposium
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2008). Learning about environment, food and agriculture at an urban farm. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the North American Association for Environmental Education, Wichita, KS.
Peterat, L. Mayer-Smith, J. & Bartosh, O. (2008). Playing and learning together in an intergenerational project on an urban farm. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Science Centres Annual Conference, London ON, June 2008.
Mayer-Smith, J., Bartosh, O. & Peterat, L. (2008). Helping elementary children understand connections between food systems and environment: What works? Paper presented the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Vancouver, BC.
Mayer-Smith, J., Bartosh, O. & Peterat, L. (2008). Examining elementary students’ understanding of farming and food growing related issues. Paper presented at the NARST annual meeting, March 30-Apr 3, 2008.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2007). Teaching and learning about environmental responsibility at the farm. Paper presented at the 36th annual NAAEE conference in Virginia Beach, Virginia November 14-17, 2007.
Peterat, L., Mayer-Smith, J, & Bartosh, O. (2007). Intergenerational Learning at UBC Farm: Fostering Human and Environmental Health. Poster presented at the International/ Canadian Symposium on Settings for Health and Learning, Health and Learning Knowledge Centre, Canadian Council on Learning, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, June 2-4, 2007.
Mayer-Smith, J, Peterat, L., & Bartosh, O. (2007). Melding learning in classrooms with informal learning: teachers’ experiences with teaching on an urban farm. Paper presented at the AERA 2007 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, April 8-13, 2007.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L. (2006). Cultivating change at an urban farm: Educating elementary students about sustainability. Paper presented at the EECOM 2006 Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, October 19-22, 2006.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2006). Learning for change: educating students about sustainability at the farm. Paper presented at the NAAEE Annual meeting, St. Paul , Minnesota, USA, October 10-14, 2006.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L. (2006). Learning on the land: Teachers’ and students’ experiences in a long-term environmental and science education project. Presentation at the Faculty of Education Research Day, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 9, 2006.
Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L., Bartosh, O. (2005). Cultivating Ecological and social citizenship through intergenerational farming. Paper presented at the 3rd World International Environmental Education Congress, Turin, IT.
Mayer-Smith, J., & Peterat, L, & Bartosh, O. (2005). Cultivating ecological citizens through intergenerational farming, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC) Annual Conference, London, ON.
Peterat, L. Mayer-Smith, J., Bartosh, O., & Tsepa, M. (2005). Uniting generations in school community partnering: Enhancing citizenship and well-being for all. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Research in Home Economics (CARHE), London, ON.
Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L., & Bartosh, O. (2005). Working together on the farm for the environment: integrating intergenerational community-based education in the elementary grades. Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food and Society Conference, Portland, OR.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L., (2005). Landed learning on the farm: fostering care and community across the generations. Paper presented at the Faculty of Education Research day, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L., Sinkinson, S., & Lee, A. (2004). Farm-based environmental studies as a component of middle school curriculum: benefits and challenges of integration. Paper presented at Developmental Education for a Sustainable Future Conference, the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM), Vancouver, BC.
Peterat, L., Mayer-Smith, J., Sinkinson, S., Bartosh, O., Lee, A., & Tsepa, M. (2004). Uniting Generations for the Environment: Urban School and Community Farmers Partner for Lifelong Learning and Well-Being. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the International Consortium for Intergenerational Programmes, Victoria, BC.
Peterat, L., Sinkinson, S., Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., & Lee, A. (2004). Uniting Generations in School-Community Partnering for Lifelong Learning and Well-Being. Paper presented at the American Association of Family and Consumer Science, San Diego, CA.
Mayer-Smith, J., Bartosh, O., Peterat, L., Lee, A., Sinkinson, S., & Tsepa, M. (2004). Intergenerational Learning with the Land: Inspiring Environmental Stewardship. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L., Bartosh, O., Sinkinson, S., Lee, A. (2004). Intergenerational Learning on the Farm for the Environment. Paper presented at the Faculty of Education Research day, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Bartosh, O., Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L., (2004). Farming Friends: Cultivating Connections to the Earth, Paper presented at the National Association of Environmental Education Conference, Biloxi, MS.
Lee, A., Mayer-Smith, J.A., Peterat, L., Sinkinson, S., & Tsepa, M. (2003). Cultivating Environmental Stewardship in Young People Through Intergenerational Landed-Learning, Paper presented at the Vaines Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
Mayer-Smith, J., Peterat, L., Lee, A., Sinkinson, S., & Tsepa, M. (2003). Cultivating environmental stewardship in young people: An intergenerational landed-learning project at UBC farm. Paper presented at the Faculty of Education Research Day, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.